CARM 2018
UK National Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology – CARM 2018
JCS are very happy to be exhibiting at CARM, NPL next week.
We will be showcasing our measurement capabilities and shielding materials along with the RMS30 Intelligent Monitor platform and its gamma and neutron sensors; which are now being used to great effect across the UK nuclear landscape.
The UK National Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology (CARM 2018) is the latest in a series of annual three-day conferences run by NPL for the radiation metrology community, bringing together expertise from areas as diverse as the nuclear industry, detector manufacturers, radioanalytical laboratories and academia.
The scope will include recent advances in the underlying science (such as the application of fast neutrons and radionuclide production), as well as the practical application of radiation detectors and techniques.
Please note that CARM 2018 incorporates meetings of the IRMF and ARMUG. It is a great opportunity to keep up-to-date on progress in the radiation metrology sphere and to network with colleagues across a wide range of sectors.
6 – 8 Nov 2018